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Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Top 13 Infographics that Mock Infographics

If you work online, or if you use Twitter there is no doubt you’ll have noticed a huge rise the use of infographics. You can hardly log onto a social media website anymore without some form of infographic greeting you as you sign in. They’re a relatively new way of presenting information to customers and clients, and they allow for a fun take on design, which is what makes them spread like wild fire.

But why are infographics so popular?
It’s simple – everyone gets something out of an infographic. The people who created it get links and referrals to their company or website. You as the audience or reader, get five minutes entertainment and perhaps some new information or knowledge, without having to sift through pages and pages of facts and figures.
There is a negative aspect to all of this popularity though, because as more and more people embrace this way of communicating information – more and more people are getting sick of seeing them. Here we’ll give you a run through of some of the funniest infographics out there. What are they making fun of? Infographics, themselves.

1. The Number of “Infographics” I’ve Seen This Week

This first example is a great place to start. The main reason it works so well is because it takes some time to sink in that the graphic is actually a parody.


2. Most Popular Infographics

Another great example of an infographic that looks convincingly realistic. We love the design and it does actually work as an infographic, due to its tidy design. Each table displays an array of the most popular types of design found on the web.


3. Big Infographic Blueprint

You’d almost be fooled into thinking this is the standard template that some infographic designers work by.


4. This is Dare
This video infographic is actually a promo piece for graphic design and digital branding agency, Dare. Using a vintage ‘public information’ approach, it gives us all the needless, yet humorous insights on the company, such as the amount of tea consumed.

This is Dare. Are you? from Alex Dunford on Vimeo.

5. Diagrams Rule

“Diagrams Rule!” is the headline for this hilarious infographic that displays, in painstaking detail, what to expect from most other infographics – angled bar graphs, world map and how 1 in 5 people are presented time and time again.


6. This is Not an Infographic

Keeping it simple and making a statement – this is not an infographic; even though it has some arrows!


7. Critical Data

Again, here’s another brilliantly simple visual representation of how pointless the data and stats on many infographics can be. It’s the irony in the simplicity which makes it so funny.


8. Infographs Are Ruining the Internet

Infographics are ruining the internet. That’s not necessarily our opinion but it is certainly the opinion of the person who created this infographic. It’s a pretty long one – so set aside 5 minutes for getting your head around it.


9. Infographics

This interesting infographic refrains from mocking the tradition as much as the previous examples. It does, however, look at the weird way in which infographics came about, while raising some very interesting (and very funny) points.


10. Infographic of Infographics

The ultimate “infographic about infographics”; this one takes a tongue in cheek look at the process of infographic production, as well as why and how the tradition has become so popular.


11. The Truth About Infographics

This one uses a ‘tin foil’ hat approach by letting us in on the secret that no one else is telling us about. Branded the “Backlash Infographic” this is the infographic highlights how the “game” of online marketing works. Cutting and witty; this infographic will get you thinking about how easily you believe the things you read.


12. Infographics Are Beautiful

Named “Infographics are beautiful” – this mocking retaliation to the infographic trend is anything but. It does make some clever observations regarding the use of typography and charts though.


13. Infographic of Infographics

This infographic pokes fun at the businesses who create quick and thoughtless “quick win” infographs. For the full version, click the ‘via’ link underneath the image.

So what do you think? Are you an infographic junkie? Do you see infographics going out of fashion as fast as the Jegging did? It’s hard to tell right now just how long the success of the Infographic will last, as they are still so popular with online social forums, and some people (although it’s hard to believe) are yet to discover them! Some companies are embracing new ways of making infographics by producing modern and interacting ways of presenting their information – so perhaps this is the direction the Infographic might go in?



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